Saturday, February 6, 2010

More about the tweetup

Second Life™ TWEETUP!!! WTF is it?

Alright, shit, dayum! I will actually take a few minutes to explain what a second life tweet up is. Happy?

First we have twitter. You already know what that is. YOU HAVE A TWITTER ACCOUNT ALREADY BTW! Dur!

But what is a tweet up and what is Second Life?

Have you ever wanted to talk/text with your twitter friends in more than 140 characters and in real time? Maybe you want to hear their voice? Maybe you want to connect with your tweeps on a more personal level but are not ready to commit to meeting them in person or giving them your phone number. Many Tweeps meet up in person and that meeting is usually referred to as a Tweetup.

Many tweeps, well on my list anyway, tweet as a rp character. Now would a RP character want to meet up with their tweeps in person? Maybe. But if we contained the Tweetup to Second Life™ (tell you about that in a second), you would be able (in voice as well as in text more than 140 characters) present yourself as your twitter persona/rp character or just the real you.

Sounds like a good idea?

Well @_KimRandall and I thought so.

What is this Second Life™ anyways?

Go to ———>

Second Life™, SL as the residents call it, is a game, a social platform, a glorified chatroom, an experiment and so much more. You really have to experience it for yourself. In SL you will be able to create an avatar and customize it to your liking. Tall, short, fat, skinny- maybe you want to wear a some angel wings, demon horns, or vampire fangs to suit your Twitter Persona. The avatar customization is only limited by your imagination and your wallet.

But have no fear, Jezzy and @_KimRandall are here to help you with your Second Life needs.

Just think.

How fun it would be to bring your rp character to life? Or how much fun would we have just chatting random bullshit like we already do on Twitter.

Second Life™ just brings another layer of fun.

Hope this gives you a little more insight into what is a Second Life™ Tweetup.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Late night stroll

Dirty and bloody.
Originally uploaded by Jezabelle Charron
Taking a little walk in the neighborhood with Mercutio.

He thinks the scarf makes a good restraint.

That is all I have to say. I just wanted to post the picture.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010