Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who says you can't go back home again?

Originally uploaded by Jezabelle Charron
It has been nearly a year since I have spent time, romantic time, cuddling with a special someone.

I was never very good at romance and still stumble with being genuine with it.

But on this night, I had the opportunity to reconnect with an old friend. Those of you who have followed the chronicles of my slives will remember the story of Ken and Barbosa. Those of you who are not familiar with that saga missed out on some good drama. It was a roller coaster ride!

I was happy to see my friend although it stirred up some old emotions I was not prepared to deal with.

But it was a nice.

He made me feel human. He made me feel regular. There was no talk of violence, no talk of killing, feeding, vampire clan wars, he made me remember how it felt to be NORMAL.

And I kinda liked it...